Kathy has been counseling in the Atlanta area since 1996. Her heart’s desire is to encourage people in the internal journey of knowing and offering their hearts to God and to others. In addition to her local practice, Kathy enjoys giving seminars and teaching the basics of soul care to those who dare to look at their hearts.

For several years prior to establishing her local practice, Kathy was Coordinator for Pastoral Care for World Team, a church planting mission organization. In that capacity she traveled around the world counseling and training God’s servants at work in other cultures.

Kathy comes from Maine, but moved to Florida when she was a little girl. She grew up as the only sister of three brothers, and the youngest member of her family. At the age of 22, Kathy accepted Christ when the suicidal death of a young man caused her to repent of her shallow approach to life. This began the incredible ongoing process of realizing how she has kept herself independent of God all of her life. Out of this process has come a deepening desire to know Christ as her very life.

She graduated from Florida State University in English Education, went on to teach 7th grade English in Bradenton, Florida, but left that path to attend Columbia International University and earn a Masters degree in Biblical Studies in 1975. After that, Kathy worked as a teaching assistant at C.I.U. for three years. Around 1978, Kathy began to feel a growing burden for the lost peoples of the world who had no gospel witness. She joined World Team, an evangelical mission board committed to planting churches in those areas of the earth having no current Christian witness.

In 1980, Kathy flew to Paris, France to begin a period of fourteen years as a member of a church planting team in the City of Lights. She grew to delight in the rich community of fellow servants accomplishing a Kingdom task during that time, and helped in the process of planting one French church and beginning the early stages of planting another. She also went deeper in the process of looking within to see her own particular style of relating to God and to others, a style that often insulated her from real connection. This inner journey would then take her to Denver, Colorado in 1993 to study Christian counseling under Drs. Larry Crabb and Dan Allender. She graduated with a Masters degree in Biblical Counseling in 1994. Besides the wonderful equipping of that program for a counseling ministry, Kathy was deeply helped personally to move towards other-centered loving and freedom in Christ. Developing men and women who can love others out of their own brokenness and depth is now the driving passion of her life.

At this stage of her life, Kathy feels a growing desire to present the implications of the Gospel for salvation and for life, believing that this is the key, the fundamental thing, to enable us to live freely and to love extravagantly.

Live freely... Love extravagantly!

To make an appointment call 678.999.3951 or Email us.

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  Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully around with work, or hobbies, or little luxuries; avoid entanglements. Lock it safe in the casket or coffin of selfishness. But in that casket — safe, dark, motionless, airless — It will change. It will not be broken; but it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.

C.S. Lewis

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